My experience with Dr. Rajat Sachdeva’s Dental institute has been phenomenal. They have definitely set a bar of expectations I am not sure any other academy would be able to fulfil. The faculty teaching the course was pioneers in their own fields and gave us all the guidance needed to comprehend this course.
I wanted to learn about zygomatic implants so that I could not only rehabilitate edentulous patients but treat those with severely atrophic maxilla or patients who have had maxillectomy surgeries. This course was complete and an exhaustive one which included apt selection of suitable cases for surgeries, their meticulous planning and then practicing on models using high quality equipment.
We learnt the importance of engagement of vertical buttresses including zygomaticomaxillary, nasomaxillary and pterygomaxillary buttress for maximum stress distribution. Learning about ABC 555 protocol during the surgery planning and using it for placing zygomatic implants on models so that the implant comes out at least 5mm away from the orbital rim was really important to safely execute the procedure. We also learnt how to create and use surgical guides which facilitated the correct positioning of implants. Dr. Rajat Sachdeva is a talented surgeon and there are nuances and refinements in the details of his approach that make a difference. These come from a degree of learning by experience and innovation in this procedure that is hard to match anywhere else.
I am also thankful to the course conductor Dr. Shreya who has been very accommodating and made our experience pleasant and comfortable. The entire support staff were also very well-mannered and encouraged us to learn more.
I would like to specially give my regards and extend thanks to Dr. Rajat Sachdeva who has simplified the entire concept of zygomatic implants for me. As complex as it seemed at the beginning, it became extremely easy by the end of the session. I would strongly recommend everyone to attend any course at this esteemed academy just to experience a different and more sophisticated dentistry.