Dr. Sakshi

dr sakshi bds

I have recently passed the rotary endodontics course from Dr. Rajat Sachdeva’s dental institute. I found this course to be incredibly informative and extremely interesting.
The course was conducted by Dr. Rajat and it was a great experience altogether. He truly inspired me to attain higher goals in endodontic skills. I particularly enjoyed the hands-on components of the course where every step of a root canal treatment was taught using rotary instruments. Although I had been using rotary in my practice, there was still so much to learn in that area.
Instead of teaching dogma from one rotary system they have built their curriculum on a foundation of evidence based principles. And from there, they show you the best rotary system and protocol that meets those goals. Dr. Rajat and Dr. Pranay have feet in both the private practice and the academic world and they give you the latest research in the forefront of endodontics.
Access preparation, location of canals, and easy instrumentation with hand and rotary NiTi instruments was very exciting and informative. Getting to try out the microscope and learning how to calibrate it and adjust the settings was an add-on and has really encouraged me to adopt it in my practice. The didactic portion I found to be quite educational and I will certainly be performing some of the recommended techniques in my upcoming root canal cases. We even got to try our hands at retreatment procedures using rotary instruments and the results were fantastic. The success rate was almost 100% and by gaining enough knowledge and practical experience, I can now confidently take up any endodontic case in my own practice.
I would like to thank course conductor Dr. Garvita and the entire support staff for organizing an amazing course.
I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to start doing root canal treatments in their practice.