The implants complications course by Dr. Rajat Sachdeva has repeatedly demonstrated that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Most courses teaches us only the implants that go perfectly, so it is very helpful to see everything that can go wrong, and how to manage complications when they arise.
Often there have been minor cases of implant complications where I would wing it based on my understanding of hard and soft tissues. But after attending this course, I have acquired the confidence to make better decisions and see the end result in the pre-planning stages. I loved that the course was practical oriented with just enough theoretical knowledge. We spent most of times observing the different complications that can occur and understand where exactly in the protocol did the things go south. It is also not possible to predict a treatment outcome completely and the skill to manage and minimize the complications should be known.
The course has given me a wholesome knowledge of the various complications and its management. However, another unexpected important thing that I learnt is to keep my calm and manage the patient amidst this scenario. This training cannot be just “given” and it would require years of experience to learn on my own. Through this course, I got to imbibe it by observing our mentor. As most of the full mouth implants patients belong to geriatric population, it was important to understand the medical complications and risks.
Although there are many courses out there, this course is unique because here you are not only taught and shown how to approach a certain case or perform a certain procedure, but you are yourself involved and invested in the case, so you never forget. I would really recommend this course to every clinician who are just starting their implant career or experienced implantologists as well.