Dr. Upasana

In order to run a successful cosmetic dental practice, it is important to understand the various treatment modalities that are available. The pandemic has hit the dentist very hard and I wasn’t spared too. Lack of enough practice and resultant decrease in confidence lowered my morale. It was then I decided to take up a diploma course to refresh and upgrade my skills. When I planned on pursuing a course for cosmetic dentistry, my fellow colleagues suggested Dr. Sachdeva’s dental institute. It was one of the best courses that I have undertaken in my entire career.
The course was challenging but worthwhile. Dr. Rajat Sachdeva and his team are world- renowned cosmetic dentists and have taken extensive international training in the field. The method of teaching relies on evidence-based principles and is solely focused on bringing the best outcome for his patients. I have personally gained a lot from his expertise like the rationale for case selection, importance of patient’s satisfaction and avoidance of unrealistic expectations. This course taught us the importance of minimal intervention esthetic dentistry in the current scenario.
I got a golden opportunity to work on some interesting and rare cases under my mentor’s guided supervision. We performed treatments such as Class II restorations and diastema closure using composites from beginning to end, including case selection, tooth preparation, shade selection and restoration. I also got a chance to try my hand at the versatile AquaCare sandblaster for stain removal and the results were outstanding.
Another important aspect of dentistry that was missing from my practice was digitization and it was dealt with such precision during this course that it will always stay with me in my clinical career. An entire session was dedicated to smile designing where we learnt how to digitally plan a smile using various parameters.
Although learning cosmetic dentistry requires you to understand the science behind it, knowing the art to design a patient’s smile while maintaining the function is of paramount importance. This course definitely prepares you in wholeness for it and as we progress through it, we acquire both theoretical and practical skills. Overall, I would like to say that I have greatest regard for this institute and Dr. Rajat and his team, and I will strongly recommend him to every dentist.