Prosthodontics Course for General Dentist

Prosthodontics is a highly specialized sub-specialty of dentistry that deals with the treatment and correction of defects in appearance, in addition to speech and swallowing difficulties caused by injury or diseased condition. Prosthodontics usually utilize the use of dentures, dental implants, oral and facial prostheses to provide solutions to the various dental problems encountered by patients.

A practicing general dentist should be competent enough to deal with the basic dental procedures. Missing teeth has to be one of the most common dental problems that the clinicians encounter in their daily practice. While the Prosthodontists remain the recognized specialists in oral reconstruction and rehabilitation, a general dentist must possess clinical and technical skills along with scientific understanding of fixed and removable prosthodontics.

Having said that, the amount of training and clinical exposure provided in dental colleges is not sufficient enough to evaluate and execute prosthodontics rehabilitations independently. This culminates into multiple referrals, even for the simplest of cases. In order to support and encourage general dentists to enhance their skillsets in the field of prosthodontics, Dr. Rajat Sachdeva’s dental Institute offers a fixed Prosthodontics course for 8 days.

Our Prosthodontics course at Dr. Rajat Sachdeva’s dental institute is designed for dental practitioners who want to further their knowledge of prosthodontics up to specialist level. This course is curated with a vision for the students to develop skills in providing a range of procedures, including complex removable prostheses, implant-supported prostheses, integrated fixed and removable prostheses, and restoration of tooth wear using direct and indirect materials.

You will gain insight into clinical and technical skills, contemporary prosthodontic techniques, scientific understanding of fixed and removable prosthodontics, diagnosis and treatment planning and reflective prosthodontic practice.

In addition, the candidates are exposed to the philosophies and principles of prosthodontics treatment with fixed and removable prosthodontics.

The sole aim of this course to teach students the art of replacing oral structures along with emphasis on stress preservation and optimization of the supporting structures through a combined effort with the other dental specialties.

Why pursue a Prosthodontics course?

Every dentist dreams of starting their own private practice and aims to fulfill their patient’s needs to the fullest. A short course in Prosthodontics will not only give you ample amount of clinical exposure but also uncover the real-world expectations of the patients and how to manage them. Aesthetics and function are the two most important pillars on which a successful prosthodontics practice runs.

The fixed Prosthodontics course curriculum at our institute provides progressive clinical, laboratory and didactic training, closely supervised, in fixed, removable and digital prosthodontics. Bridge Preparation to receive a metal- ceramic prosthesis, post and core, direct composite laminates, porcelain laminates and inlay, onlay or vonlay bonded prosthesis along with full digital dentistry workflow, aesthetics, and the interrelation of other medical/dental clinical specialties are integrated aspects of the training. Upon completion of the course, you will gain confidence and knowledge which will provide you a life-time of support in your cases.

About our institute

Dr. Rajat Sachdeva’s institute for dental diploma courses is a premier institution that is known for its integrative educational innovation and an inter-professional health care development that utilizes advanced technology, state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure, outstanding and dedicated faculty for professional growth of students and enable them to serve the community as educated, empowered and honorable dental professionals and members of the society.

Our aim has always been to realize our vision by training and educating highly competent, diverse groups of clinical practitioners and professionals in dentistry who possess the ability to provide complex, integrative and high quality care to the society.

We have always aimed to provide the students with best infrastructural facilities and enable them to face challenges in their career.

We are proud to admit that the batches we have trained have went on to become ethical, caring, lifelong learners who are contributing their part for a healthy nation.

We are contributing continuously for the past few decades to build a professionally competent general and specialty workforce to meet the nation’s healthcare needs.

What all will you learn through this course – what to expect?

  • Effective treatment planning, various diagnostic aids and proper decision making on edentulous and partially edentulous patients
  • Offering Ceramic veneers as treatment modality
  • All ceramic versus Metal ceramic crowns
  • Sequencing and treatment planning
  • Contemporary materials used in extra coronal restorations
  • Choice of fixed or removable prosthesis considering implant and over dentures as options
  • Principles of tooth preparation
  • Biological, Mechanical and Esthetic considerations of tooth preparation
  • Endodontic evaluation; vital and non-vital teeth Shade determination
  • Necessity of Provisionalisation and different techniques
  • Different techniques of gingival retraction
  • Presurgical corrective procedures
  • Crown lengthening techniques
  • Soft tissue managements of various stages
  • Easy and correct impression procedures
  • Laboratory communication
  • Importance of try-in procedures
  • Cementation of fixed prosthesis


Who should apply to this course?

  • This program has been designed for general dentists who are looking to enhance their clinical practice and skills, through a platform which offers continual access to support, advice and knowledge.
  • This course will be ideal for candidates with limited or no clinical prosthodontics exposure.
  • Fresh graduates.
  • Dentists who have taken a break from practice.

How will this course benefit you?

The Prosthodontics course at Dr. Rajat Sachdeva’s Dental Institute aims to help add to, refine and strengthen clinical and technical skills, thereby building clinical confidence, whilst continuously refining patient communication and management. By developing the skills in assessing case suitability and complexity, and with the support of our lecturers, students will be able to take on a larger array of prosthodontics dental treatments, applicable to all types of dental practice. We aim to

  • PROVIDE you with a comprehensive understanding of the complex issues involved in the scientific basis of fixed and removable prosthodontics
  • DEVELOP your knowledge, skills and attitude to enable critical evaluation and problem solving for prosthodontic problems to allow you to practice independently
  • PROVIDE you with knowledge and clinical experience of fixed and removable prosthodontics (including an understanding of an interdisciplinary approach to comprehensive patient care)
  • ENSURE that you are competent enough to execute a prosthodontics rehabilitation case successfully
  • ENABLE you to plan, implement and complete complex full mouth rehabilitation

Why choose us?

The fixed Prosthodontics course is custom-made for general dentists. It intends to meet the specific needs of dental professionals, which enables them to return with high confidence in the newly developed skills. It is our goal to empower you to drive your practice forward.

We don’t hide any tricks and trades of the practice. We have a team of dedicated staff members who are willing to answer all your problems.

An on-call support team available to help you with case management if you face any difficulties even after the course is completed

We introduce to you the latest trends and advances in the field of Prosthodontics with the use of intra oral scanners and CAD- CAM technology to ensure you are competent in designing prosthesis with correct choice of abutment tooth. To give you the perfection we make sure to use high quality articulators that give you the ease of teeth setting and occlusal height management.

Through this course you can expect a comprehensive understanding of complex issues involved in scientific basis of fixed dental prosthesis. Learn to plan and implement complex cases with skill and caliber and grow as a clinician.

You will be taught by well-accomplished professionals from Prosthodontics and other fields with 20+ years of experience under their belt to give you a well-rounded training.

In addition, we have:

  • State of the art dental operatory facility.
  • Multimedia A-V projection enabled classroom.
  • Intraoral scanners
  • State of the art preclinical set up.
  • Library & access to recent prosthodontic journals
  • Approachable and ready to help lecturers and staff.
  • Online support to candidates for one year after the course.
  • Online case discussion to handle the pitfalls during complex treatment
  • One to one training.
  • Individual attention to each participant.



India has a large geriatric population of 77 million, comprising 7.7% of its total population. One of the major handicaps in the elderly is loss of teeth, affecting their mastication, dietary intake and nutritional status. (Courtsey: Shah N, Parkash H, Sunderman KR. Edentulousness, denture wear and denture needs of Indian elderly–a community-based study. J Oral Rehabil 2004;31:467-76.) The need for prosthodontic care for such patients is expected to increase due to the increase in life span of this group. Thus making Prosthodontics a highly coveted specialty of dentistry.

Our fixed prosthodontics course primarily enables students to attain the special knowledge and skills for proficiency in the theoretical and practical aspects of prosthodontics.

To know more about the course, visit our Fixed Prosthodontics 8 Days course page

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