Dr. Manish

Dr Manish BDS

By signing up for the general dentistry program at Dr. Sachdeva’s dental institute, I was finally able to gain the basic dentistry skills and confidence to treat cases that had perplexed and intimidated me before. But a wonderful unexpected benefit was that by taking the course under Dr. Rajat Sachdeva and his team, I learnt under an atmosphere of honesty, accountability, & support which was quite extraordinary.
The course is quite intensive and covers all bases of general dentistry. I can not only perform procedures correctly but also a lot quicker, which saves a great amount of chair time. I can now perform an RCT with the use of rubber dam and rotary instruments. I was given an opportunity to work with materials like polyether and addition silicones, something I had just theoretical knowledge about. Dr. Rajat also guided us in various cosmetic procedures like veneers, Emax crowns, face bow record, smile designing and much more. I am also very familiar to many surgical techniques used in simple extractions like the correct use of elevators. A thorough training was given in impactions as well, right from incision making, raising a flap, guttering the bone, extracting the tooth and closing the wound with sutures. I now find myself clear in many concepts and am also able to understand how the ideal treatment must be modified to meet the demands of the real world.

It is definitely a worthy course for any clinician who wants to open their own set up and needs the required confidence to run it successfully. Everyone at Dr. Rajat Sachdeva’s dental institute was very supportive and encouraging. I have thoroughly enjoyed my journey.